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FDA Issues Supplement Warnings

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently announced recalls for many supplements marketed to men who seek sexual enhancement.

In lab analyses, FDA officials found undeclared ingredients in the following products:

African Viagra

Big Penis

Bl4ck 4K Capsules

Black 3K Plus

Black Mamba 2 Premium


Ginseng for Reinforcing Kidney

Goldreallas Original

Goldreallas XXX

Lang Yi Hao

Old Chinese


Rhino 5 1500 Capsules

Rhino 7K 9000 Male Performance Booster

Rhino 8 Platinum 8000

Rhino 9 Premium 3500


Triple Green Capsules


90° Jiushidu Capsules

All but one of these supplements contain sildenafil, the active ingredient in Viagra. XtraHRD contains an analogue of tadalafil, the active ingredient in Cialis. However, these ingredients are not listed on product packaging.

Both sildenafil and tadalafil are used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED). But they are not safe for all men. For example, patients who take drugs containing nitrates (such as nitroglycerin) should never take ED drugs because the interaction with nitrates can cause a dangerous drop in blood pressure. Nitrates are often prescribed for people with diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and heart disease.

Supplements may also contain other undeclared ingredients, which could be harmful.

If you are having sexual difficulties, be sure to see your doctor so that your concerns can be addressed safely.

Your doctor or pharmacist can answer any questions you have about drug and supplement safety. These articles can help as well:

The Dangers of Over-the-Counter Male Enhancement

Dangers of Counterfeit ED Drugs

Risks and Realities of OTC Testosterone Supplements

FDA Warnings on “Natural” Sexual Enhancement Products

ED and Sexual Enhancement Products


“Public Notification: Ginseng for Reinforcing Kidney Contains Hidden Drug Ingredient”

(February 3, 2017)

“Public Notification: Goldreallas Original Contains Hidden Drug Ingredient”

(February 3, 2017)

“Public Notification: Goldreallas XXX Contains Hidden Drug Ingredient”

(February 2, 2017)

“Public Notification: Old Chinese Contains Hidden Drug Ingredient”

(February 2, 2017)

“Public Notification: Shenjingpian Contains Hidden Drug Ingredient”’

(February 2, 2017)

“Public Notification: XtraHRD Contains Hidden Drug Ingredient”

(January 26, 2017)

Urology Place

“FDA Announces New Supplement Recall”

(January 17, 2017)

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