973 218-9400
225 Millburn Avenue
Building C - Suite 304
Millburn, NJ 07041
Center for Female and Male
Sexual Medicine
Female Sexual Issues (FSD)
Male Sexual Issues (MSD)
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Shock wave therapy found efficacious in treating ED.
How Does Body Image Affect Sexual Confidence and Satisfaction?
What Are the Health Benefits of Masturbation?
What Is the Connection Between Heart Health and Sexual Health?
What Are the Most Common Causes of Unconsummated Marriage?
How Willing Are Individuals to Undergo Surgery for Peyronie’s Disease?
What Should I Know About Cervical Health?
Flavonoids Associated With Improved Erectile Function
What are multiple orgasms? How common are they?
How common is it to “fake” an orgasm, and why do people do it?
O-Shot helps maturing women in the bedroom